الفصل اول
Sociology: the science or study of the origin ,development, organization , function of human society
solidarity: refers to friendly,co-operative,natural support among member of a group
الفصل الثاني
theory :a set of relatively general abstract statements that explain some aspects of the real world
manifest function: the intended and recognized
(ص٥١ رقم ٤)
latent function : that are unintended and often unrecognized
(ص٥١ رقم ٢)
hypothesis : a testable statement of relationships between particular variables
(ص٥١ رقم٣)
Experiment group :the group exposed of the experimental variable
control group: the group not exposed to the experimental variable
A population : consists of all those people with the characteristics a researcher
structured question : permit only yes,no or undecided as limited answers.
case study: is a through investigation a small groups incident , or community
الفصل الثالث
Culture: we means that complex set of learned and shared,beliefs customs skills,habits,traditions,and knowledge common to the members of a society
beliefe : are shared sets of ideas about how the world operates
3-values are board ,abstract shared ,standards of what is right desirable
Values : are widely shared,they are seldom adhered to all times by every member of a culture
Norms : is a specified rule or rule about what people should not do say ,or think in given situations.
expressive symbol : the material aspect, of culture which often are a direct representation of beliefs, values, and norms
(ص٦٩ رقم٦)
sub-culture : the are many variation particularly in large and complex societies . then is a set of expressive symbols ,norms, values, sanctions and ways of speaking and behaving that distinguish a group from other members of the larger society
Counter culture is a Sab-culture whose Norms and values aren't just different from but in conflict with thoes of the dominant culture
الفصل الرابع :
socialization : is the process of transmitting socially appropriate beliefs and behavior patterns to an individual and making possible the development of a self or personality
the self : the individuals same of who I am
agents of socialization : An individual group or organization that influence a person behavior and sense of self
Peers : those people who are like you they are people who occupy the same statuses you do
الفصل الخامس
Social structure : is the farmer work of the relationship that organize behavior in groups and societies
Status : is a position the individual occupies in the social structure
Achieved status : social status that is attained through personal effort
Ascribed status : A social stunts that is assigned to an individual at berth or at defferent of the cycle on the basis of characteristics the individual cannot countrol
Master status : is a social position that tends to override every thing else the person is or does life
Role : is the behavior of one who occupies a particular status
Group : A member of people who feel a common identity and interact in regular and structured way on the basic of shared norms and values
Microsociolgy : focuses on patterns of everyday interaction. The second
is the detailed minute by minute by minute analysis of the what people do say and think in actual flow if momentary experience
Macrosociology : focuses on the social patterns that characterize an entire society.
It is the study of on going relationships among groups and organization
society : is a self-sufficient group of people who live in a common territory and transmit unique language and culture to those who are born accepted in to the group